Finished my sister's skirt. I link to the tutorial I used in an earlier post, but I also added something to it. When I made the skirt for me, I didn't like the unfinished edges inside. I decided to finish all the edges this time.
Unsavory unfinished edges...
Leave the waistband open, sew only the outside and use the inside layer to cover the edges. Press a small fold in the inside layer as pictures...look close.
pin the layer over the edges.
Stitch in the ditch to hold inside layer over edges. They are essentially hidden inside the waistband.
Careful that the pins go in without pulling up bits of the skirt.
The finished product!
I shipped it off to my sister, she should have it in time to wear to church on Sunday! My mom says she has been checking the mail everyday...even Sunday!
Next small project is for a friend's birthday. I am making magnets....