
Stepmother's Cole Slaw

I make food.  And people like my food.  So instead of trying to catalog my less successful attempts at sewing, I will show you my cooking successes.

Right after Nick and I got together he found out I could cook.  I love to cook and bake for people who appreciate it, and Nick appreciates it.  His step mom is the same way.  And she loves cooking in huge quantities like I do, so we have a lot in common.  Jackie doesn't usually measure for her regular recipes, but I have figured out how to make her coleslaw in a more manageable way.  Here it is:

2cups shredded carrots and cabbage (or broccoli slaw, or shredded anything really!)
2T vinegar
2T sugar
1/2 cup mayo--MUST be Best Foods...or Hellman's I guess, if you are on the other side of the mountains
salt and pepper

Mix sauce.  Add to salad.  Refrigerate.  Easy peasy.

Look how orange these shredded carrots are!


Rancid oil

Made a batch of Pumpkins Spice Latte cupcakes only to realize that the oil was rancid and the cupcakes were inedible.

Too late to make more.

Will try again tomorrow.

I also borrowed my friend's camera this week-yay!  It was a lot of fun, and I realized that I could really get into photography.  Especially with C.  good thing my birthday is coming up!


25 update

Here is my revised list!
1.  Pick fruit
2.  Go camping
3.  Organize my crafting/sewing supplies
4.  Set up a college fund for little Little C
5.  Make a will
6.  Do something with my wedding dress
7.  Take a class
8.  Can something for the winter
9.  Read a book
10.  Build something with my husband
11.  Go hiking
12.  Cook a new dish
13.  Plan a quilt
14.  Grow a giant pumpkin
15.  Make something with the tomatoes I grew
16.  Spend one day with no computer or TV and with my family
17.  Get feather hair extensions  like Ke$ha
18.  Do something with my sister, Maggie
19.  Drink with my little brother, Jeff
20.  Go wine tasting
21.  See the new Harry Potter movie
22.  Be in a wedding
23.  Get my guitar out again
24.  Run a race
25.  Donate to a good cause

So I've crossed quite a few things off my list.  

We picked apricots and blackberries and canned both of them, apricot preserves and blackberry jelly.  I've never made jelly before and I'm sure there's a better way to get the juice out than what I did, but it tastes good.  These will make excellent Christmas gifts.

I read a few books, but the one I liked best was Room.  I would definitely recommend it.

Right now, as I write this I have a pasta salad in my fridge with tomatoes that I grew.  I've actually made a few salads and wraps too and the plant just keeps on growing!

My brother, Jeff, came over on Tuesday.  Technically we shared some beer so I'm crossing it off.  He was on his way over to Seattle and stayed the night.  I want to spend more time with him, but he's a busy guy so I'll take what I can get.  Plus with the way he talks (super fast) a 12 hour visit can cover a lot of ground :)

We went wine tasting the last weekend in July.  Just a small one at a local gallery.  We are going next weekend for real in Leavenworth. 

And of course I was in a wedding.  Amanda is a Mrs. now.  

I'm enjoying a last quiet moment before this weekend gets rolling.  Yeehaw!


Fair and Rodeo (aka Beauty and the Beast)

I entered projects in the fair!  4 to be exact.  The diaper bag I made jsut before C was born, her baptism outfit, the hoodie, and I'm also working on 1 more top.  It's an Oliver + S pattern in beautiful red seersucker.

I hope I win something.

C is still a crawling machine.  She goes everywhere now.  And she pulls herself up on anything she can get a handle on.  It's like I don't have time to take pictures because she is already into the next mess.

I am going to make her one of these.  I think it will be a safe thing to pull up on.  My sister sent me some great fabric from Amsterdam for Caroline and I can't think of anything to make with it, maybe this would be appropriate.  It's not home dec fabric but I could just interface it, right?

We also got a bike trailer and hooked it up last night.  Our first family bike ride was fun, even though it got dark earlier than expected.  And today I took C all around town in the trailer.  If you see a lady in a neon pink helmet pulling a bike trailer with a purple bike (named Zeek, the bike, not the lady) it's probably me.  I'm going everywhere on that thing.

Rodeo is a crazy time in my town.  I'm bracing myself.  The pizza shop is swamped, and everywhere you go you are bumping into cowboys.  Real cowboys and wannabes.  Either way there are too many people in my town.  I don't like it.  And every year I end up going to Fred Meyer for some stupid thing and I just want to yell, "get out of my town!"  I think the solution is to do my grocery shopping early this year, and take a chill pill.  Or have a beer which wasn't an option last year.  I think I was just hot and cranky because I was 7 months pregnant.

Next weekend I am going dress shopping with my friend Hannah.  She's getting married next July and I am, drum roll, the maid of honor again.  Yay!  I feel more prepared this time, and ready for the challenge.

Sewing and Crawling

(I wrote this the first week of August and didn't post because I didn't have the right pictures.  I'm posting it now.  Still sans pics.)

C learned to crawl this week.  Thus the lack of posts.  It's like getting a new job.  There's a lot to learn and it's exhausting.  She is one heck of a boss.  She expects a lot.  Here she is.  And I love how she claps for herself at the end.  She does the same thing when she sees Elmo.

I did a few projects this week though:  I made the Sorbetto Top from Colette Patterns.
At first it was too short, and a little too tight.

So I figured out how to adjust the pattern for my bust size and voila!

I was inspired by "Make This Look" on Sew Weekly and then I saw that she was doing a 7 Days of Sorbetto series.  Yay!  I love the top I made and can't wait to do another one, maybe this time with sleeves.  I want ot make them as gifts, show other people how to make them, and then make some more.  That's how much I loved this pattern and the final product.

I also made a bubble romper for Little C using McCall's MP402 view C.  Instead of the pocket I added a flower.  What do babies need pockets for?  Apparently pacifiers.  Due to the bubble-ness of her outfit she lost all 3 pacifiers into her pants last night.  Maybe if she had a pocket to put them in that wouldn't have happened.

She's sleeping for now, but I still have to shower (I know, I'm being lazy) and pack for the weekend and finish writing my Maid of Honor speech (whoops!) for the wedding.  And baby bounce (the last one of the summer...wah, wah) is in 30 minutes.  If I get it all done, maybe I can whip up some baby legs this afternoon.



I see beautiful dresses everywhere and I want one!
Some I could make for C:
Some I just want for me:


And of course a couple from Shabby Apple.


I am going to learn to alter a pattern for a full bust.  Being that I'm breastfeeding still (and I'm naturally blessed), this will be a good thing to learn even if it is hard.

Also, I read a book.  2 actually.  So that is crossed off my list.  I read Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and Never Let Me Go.  Both were just okay.  I hated the ending of the 1st one, and the second one was just weird, but both were written pretty well.  I'm taking C to the library for "baby bounce" today so I'm going to pick up another one.  I would also like to say that I read the second book in 24 hours, but also in that time span I baked a pie, made cookies, went grocery shopping, went to the phone company, took care of C and worked in the evening.  I also slept.  It is a fast read.

I picked up 2 patterns for 99cents each at JoAnn's last week.  Butterick 5489 and Butterick 5347, but the one I want to make 5489, I bought in the wrong size!  Gah! I might just use it to draft my own pattern though.  I'm not really sure how those cross over front dresses work, so I think it will still be worth something.

And I have the FREE pattern for the Collette swing top ready to go.  I just need to find some dreamy fabric to make it in.http://www.bodenusa.com/en-US/Womens-Dresses/Above-Knee-Dresses/WH298-PRP/Womens-Purple-Fun-Dress.html?NavGroupID=4


Baby hoodie

First tutorial here.  I tried to get pictures of everything so here we go!  

Step1:  Gather your fabric.  I've got a thinner sweatshirt material in grey and ribbing in purple.
Step 2:  Find a shirt or sweatshirt that is the right size.  It doesn't have to be hooded.  I grabbed a 2T sweatshirt because I didn't want to worry about seam allowances (I know, lazy).  If you are using a shirt that just fits make sure to add 1/2 inch on all sides for seam allowances.  Trace the shirt body first making sure to respect the different necklines in the front and back.
I wore this shirt when I was little!
See, different neck lines.
Draw a straight line from the armpit to the neckline.  We're making a raglan style sweatshirt.

Step 3:  Trace the sleeves.  There should be a corresponding straight line from the armpit of the sleeve to the shoulder.  I also added a notch 3 inches from the armpit so that I could match the sleeves with the body of the shirt a little better.
These are my 2 pattern pieces so far.
A zoom of the notch.  Professional huh?
Step 4:  Sew the body to the sleeves.  Match your notches and it should be a cinch.  Make sure to use a ZIG-ZAG stitch or it won't stretch with the comfy fabric you bought.  (or if you have a Serger and know how to use it, I guess you could do that.)  You will end up with something like this:
Next flip the right sides together and sew up the sides and on down the sleeves like this:

Step 5: Make the hood.  At first I drew a shape like this.  
Too small hood piece.
I didn't measure, and that was a mistake.  The hood was too small.  I ended up sewing it on because I didn't think to try just the hood on Little C....I sewed it to the pieces and got this:
I didn't know her cheeks could look any bigger.
It's okay Mom, try again!
Moral of the story, measure!  To cut the hood piece first measure the neckline.  Divide that number in half and that is how long the bottom line of your hood needs to be.  Little C's neckline was 16, so the bottom of the hood was 8 inches.  See?

Cut 4 pieces.  2 for the outside and 2 for the lining.  If you wanted to, you could line it with some cool crazy fabric, or flannel to make it warmer.  I just used the same knit.

I didn't take extensive pictures at this point.  I was excited to see if the hood was the right size and sewed it together too quick.  You should take the lining and the main pieces and sew around the curved edge, right sides together.  Then fit them inside one another and sew along the straight edge that will eventually frame the face.  Your measured neckline will be the only side open and it should look like this:

Try it on your little one at this point.  You will appreciate it later.  If it fits, baste the neckline and pin and sew it on the body of your sweatshirt.  Almost there!

Step 6:  Next measure for cuffs and the bottom ribbing.  cut blocks that are 1/2 to 1 inch smaller than the sleeves and 1 to 2 inches smaller than the bottom of the sweatshirt so it will fit snug.  Make sure to cut the fabric so it will stretch around their little wrists and keep the cold out.  The lines in the fabric will be parallel to their chubby little arms when they are wearing it. 

Sew up the side.
Fold it in half and slip it over the sleeve.  Sew around the edge and turn it right sides out.
Yay!  A sleeve!
Repeat this for the other sleeve and the bottom of the shirt.
Step 6:  Add a kangaroo pocket.  Every sweatshirt, no matter how small, needs pockets.  Where else would you put the extra pacifiers?  Cut a piece like this:
Fold over and sew alonf the diagonal sides.  This is where the little hands reach in.  Then pin it to your shirt front.  And sew along the top and bottom and you are finished!

Woooo!  Ready to hang out on the couch with dad and watch Barney!

If you have any questions please ask!  I would love to help.